Takhleeq-e-Amn (Creating Peace) 15-June 2021 – 14-January 2022

The project “Takhleeq-e-Amn (Creating Peace) is being implementing by Human Health Welfare & Research Association (H-WARP) Team in 11 Union Councils of Shah Ruknay-e-Alam Town and Bosan Town of District Multan. The core objectives of the project are,   

  • To train amateur community artist from diverse youth groups on CVE focused themes.
  • To increase engagement of targeted stakeholders in using their artform for the promotion of CVE narratives in CRA targeted areas.
  • To increase acceptance of diverse backgrounds in targeted communities.
  • Enhance tolerance within and across communities

Key achievements of the project:

Team H-WRAP organized 20 mobilization meetings in 11 targeted union councils of District Multan for the identification and selection of most relevant targeted youth. A total number of 401 community youth participated in our mobilization meetings and 150 memberships forms were given by the participants of meetings, out of which 132 participants were selected 42 males and 5 females were selected in the  categories of signing, poetry, theatre and painting.

Team H-WRAP has successfully completed four days training workshops on CVE with 05 groups (4 male & 1 female) in Shah Ruken.e.Allam and Bosan towns of District Multan. During the 2-days trainings on CVE 110 (85 male & 25 female) were knowledge and skills on

  • Role, Importance and Characteristics of Peace Ambassadors
  • Concept clarity on Peace and Tolerance / Peace Narrative
  • Identity and Ideology – Multiple identities and conflicting ideologies
  • Knowledge sharing on National Action Plan, Pegham-e- Pakistan, Saiban Pakistan, PITR Act 2015 and hate speeches bill
  • Leadership and Peace Building
  • Fifty Social Action Projects were also designed by the rained members of community youth under the category of Poetry, Signing, Acting and Painting

In the 2 days training on cultural tools Mentors engaged the participants through the methodology of Presentations, Lectures, Role Plays and Video Documentaries. They briefed the participants that how cultural tools such as theater, music, poetry, films and painting can be used to discuss VE issues in communities.

Team H-WARP organized seven days guided mentorship sessions with 98 community armature artists having different skills set like singing, poetry, theater/cultural performance and painting in Multan Tea House and Multan Arts Council.

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