Objective: The objective was to build the capacity of the Students of Institute of Southern
Punjab Multan. Peace camp 2017 was a dynamic youth peace program. Its mission was to
transform the culture and conditions that lead to youth violence. We build youth leaders who are
leading the way to a more peaceful future.
450 Youth Leaders successfully participated In Capacity building workshops and SAPs.

Capacity Building Workshops: Team H-WRAP conducted the capacity building training for the
youth to make them well equipped for their role to counter the violence extremism, to adapt and
upkeep patience, to be a support in spreading interfaith harmony in their societies. Training of
450 youth leaders was a great achievement of the organization.

Social Action Projects: 86 SAPs were implemented. The main focus was to develop the
ownership among the youth for their actions and their effects resulting on their surroundings.
The youth leaders were engaged in designing and executing the Social Action Projects.


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